
We will practice setting boundaries, asking for what we truly need, and taking responsibility for our actions.

We will do exercises to realize how giving and receiving is a circle, impossible to separate one from another. This will help us become more aware of our body’s natural cycles, insights into accepting all emotions without judging, like seasons of the year. We will be exploring our bodies, listen to our impulses, acknowledge our feelings and work on letting go of attachment and the constant need for improvement. Becoming who we were meant to be before the world conditioned us and thought us to be afraid and to hide. Connecting to the deeper layers of being we might not yet be aware of, opening the door to self-knowledge and self-healing.
After this, we start exploring ways of connecting with the outer world staying pure and true to ourselves.


You will practice:

-Communicating your needs and boundaries;

-Giving and receiving tantra massage;

– Giving and receiving aquatic treatments;

-Listen to your body more carefully in nature, in movement, in sound healing sessions,s and cacao ceremony;

-Gaining your fear of your own and your partner’s uncomfortable emotions;

– Holding space to your own and youre partner’s inner child. Listening and being precedent, unconditionally;

-Discovering your inner feminine and masculine sides. Finding tools to the immature masculine, wounded masculine and feminine sides of you to support each other to heal and mature;

-Tantric, meditative lovemaking with your partner.

Price for 4 days 500 euros.